Goal 2: Resilient communities
Progress of Actions
Progress of Projects
Completed In-Progress Unexecuted
Updated since: 02/03/2025
Objective C: Help local communities to take meaningful, well-informed action to prepare for and adapt to climate change impacts in the Peconic Estuary
Incorporation of the Peconic Estuary Critical Lands Protection Strategy (CLPS) into current, planned, and future projects in the six East End Towns
Incorporation of information about the potential impacts of climate change into plans for nutrient nonpoint source control, pathogen nonpoint source control, and toxic contamination management for the East End Towns
Incorporation of the impacts of changing precipitation and storm patterns, sea level rise, and increasing temperatures into the identification of the sources, monitoring, and modeling of loadings of nutrients, pathogens, and toxic contaminants
Monitoring of long-term effectiveness of climate adaptation projects and management strategies from Action 10
Review and updating of the Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Climate Ready Action Plan every five years
Implementation of Actions and Strategies of the Peconic Estuary Climate Ready Action Plan
Development of model code for local implementation of zoning and other land use tools in The Climate Adaptation Toolbox
Use of the results of the Peconic Estuary Solute Transport Model to understand nitrogen transport in groundwater
Create and maintain a database of zoning and other land-use tools implemented by East End Towns as part of the Climate Ready Action Plan
Monitoring of seagrass beds in the Peconic Estuary
Monitoring of wetlands in the Peconic Estuary watershed
Pilot projects to provide data on carbon sequestration by wetlands, eelgrass and kelp and potential for expansion of blue carbon initiatives
Monitoring of the water quality impacts of blue carbon projects, and expansion of the projects where feasible in the estuary
Implementation of monitoring and reporting of climate change early warning monitoring program parameters
Participation with the New York Ocean Acidification Task Force
Adoption of recommendations from the New York Ocean Acidification Task Force
Public outreach campaign about likely climate change impacts and practical implications for Towns and individuals.
Use of climate-ready habitat restoration projects to educate the public on the impacts of climate change and the importance of accommodating natural adaptation
Review and update every five years of the outreach and education strategies identified in the Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Climate Ready Action Plan
Increased coordination and collaboration with the Shinnecock Indian Nation so that climate ready decision-making can be fully comprehensive
Based on the high risks identified in the Shinnecock Indian Nation Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Action Plan, PEP and partners will, in conjunction with the Shinnecock Indian Nation, where appropriate, secure funding and implement projects that align