Goal 2: Resilient communities
Objective C
Progress of Actions
Progress of Projects
Completed In-Progress Unexecuted
Updated since: 02/04/2025
Objective C: Help local communities to take meaningful, well-informed action to prepare for and adapt to climate change impacts in the Peconic Estuary
Distribute CLPS GIS FIles to municipalities (Program Office)
Meet with and encourage municipalities to use the CLPS tool to priortize parels for acquisition (Program Office/ LGC)
Hold training on CLPS tool (Program Office)
Call for participation in CLPS Review team (Program Office/ TAC subgroup)
Review Team: Review progress made by previous efforts (Program Office/ TAC subgroup)
Review Team: Make Plean of Action to address data management and implementaion by partners (Program Office/ TAC subgroup)
Implement Action Plan to update CLPS 2025 (Program Office/ TAC subgroup)
Creation of PEP Agriculture Workgroup
Agriculture Workgroup define Members
Agriculture Workgroup Final Recommendations
Meetinghouse Creek Stormwater Wetland Conceptual Design Finilized (Program Office)
Meetinghouse Creek Stormwater Wetland Engineering Design Finilized
Meetinghouse Creek Stormwater Wetland Permits Recieved (Program Office)
Metinghouse Creek finalizing implementation funding Sources (Program Office)
Meetinghouse Creek Stormwater Wetland Construction: Riverhead Town Contract
Sag Harbor Rain Garden
Explore groundwater contaminent implications on Seagrass beds
Support Riverhead town comprehensive planning
Support shelter island comprehensive planning
Support Town engagement with Climate Smart Communities
Support Town engagement with WLRP
USGS solute transport model
CLPS 2020 (Program Office)
National Atmospheric Depositon Program (NADP) Contract extention to 2025 (Program Office)
Support PEPC: Peconic Estuary Protection Commitee (Program Office)
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Broad Cove SIte (CAC/ Partners)
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Orient State Park
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Widows Hole Preserve
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Edwards Farm Preserve
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Downtown Riverhead
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Indian Island County Park
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: New Suffolk Waterfront
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Bass Creek Mashomack Preserve
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Ms. Annie's Creek Mashomack Preserve
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Elizabeth A. Mortan NWR
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Conscience Point
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Landing Lane, East Hampton
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Louse Pt. East Hampton
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Lazy Point Accabonac Harbor
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Montauk Inlet
PRBs monitoring report Tanbark Creek
Widows Hole Living Shoreline-Phase I
Demonstration Living Shoreline-SCMELC
CLPS 2020 (Program Office)
CLPS 2025 (Program Office)
CLPS 2030 (Program Office)
Hold training on CLPS tool
Adapting to Climate Change Peconic Estuary Partnership's Critical Lands Protection Strategy and Ra - YouTube
Call for participation in CLPS Review team
Review Team: Review progress made by previous efforts
Review Team: Make Plean of Action to address data management and implementaion by partners
Meetinghouse Creek Stormwater Wetland Engineering Design Finilized
Riverhead Meetinghouse Creek Project Package - Dataset - Geospatial Center Data Hub
Meetinghouse Creek Stormwater Wetland Permits Recieved
Metinghouse Creek finalizing implementation funding Sources
Meetinghouse Creek Stormwater Wetland Construction: Riverhead Town Contract
Support PEPC: Peconic Estuary Protection Commitee
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Broad Cove SIte
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Orient State Park
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Widows Hole Preserve
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Edwards Farm Preserve
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Downtown Riverhead
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Indian Island County Park
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: New Suffolk Waterfront
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Bass Creek Mashomack Preserve
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Ms. Annie's Creek Mashomack Preserve
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Elizabeth A. Mortan NWR
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Conscience Point
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Landing Lane, East Hampton
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Louse Pt. East Hampton
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Lazy Point Accabonac Harbor
Mini Grant Project: Project RISE: Montauk Inlet
Distribute CLPS GIS FIles to municipalities (Program Office)
Meet with and encourage municipalities to use the CLPS tool to priortize parels for acquisition (Program Office/ LGC)
Hold training on CLPS tool (Program Office)
Call for participation in CLPS Review team (Program Office/ TAC subgroup)
Review Team: Review progress made by previous efforts (Program Office/ TAC subgroup)
Review Team: Make Plan of Action to address data management and implementaion by partners (Program Office/ TAC subgroup)
Continue to persue actions to create viable resilient shoreline management policy and technical resources through shoreline adaptation intitiative
Continue to persue actions to support municipal Land conservation/ Acquisition
Continue to persue Eelgrass Management/ habitat restoration
Continue to persue stormwater management/septic upgrads
Continue to persue stormwater infiltration for freshwater recharge
Continue to persue reduction in use of fertilizers and pesticides
Continue to persue bioextraction projects
Continue to persue alternative Fisheries
Continue to persue water conservation & Reuse
Continue to persue Invasive species mitigation & population surveys
Create list of existing codes (Program Office/ PEPC)
Hold information meetings with NYSDOS for municipalities (Program Office)
Delivery of the Critical Lands Protection Strategy Maps and ArcGIS data to Peconic Estuary resource managers (Program Office)
Work with NY Sea Grant to establish two workgroups devoted to understand and address challenges facing shoreline decision makers. 1) Shoreline Adaptation Iniative looks to impact local municipality internal processes (codes & zoning) that currently create hurdles for appropriate shoreline management through their identification and 2) Shoreline Decision Workgroup work to identify barriers in the permitting process for implementing living shoreline by sharing experiences & recording where delays/issues have been felt. (Program Office & NYSG)
Work with NY Sea Grant to establish two workgroups devoted to understand and address challenges facing shoreline decision makers. Shoreline Decision Workgroup work to identify barriers in the permitting process for implementing living shoreline by sharing experiences & recording where delays/issues have been felt. (Program Office & NYSG)
NYSG Law Fellow review town code compared to NYSDOS Model Local Laws
Complete Solute Transport Model (Program Office)
Create a series of scenarios (Program Office)
Review Draft hydrodynamic model (Program Office)
Finalize Model
Determine actions for management use
Identify tools used by Town CPF
Call for participation in CLPS Review team
Review Team: Review progress made by previous efforts
Review Team: Make Plan of Action to address data management and implementaion by partners
Resilient Communities Prepared for Climate Change – Peconic Estuary Partnership
Work with NY Sea Grant to establish two workgroups devoted to understand and address challenges facing shoreline decision makers. Shoreline Decision Workgroup work to identify barriers in the permitting process for implementing living shoreline by sharing experiences & recording where delays/issues have been felt.
Resilient Communities Prepared for Climate Change – Peconic Estuary Partnership
Peconic Estuary Solute Transport Model – Peconic Estuary Partnership
Create a series of scenarios
Peconic Estuary Solute Transport Model – Peconic Estuary Partnership
Review Draft hydrodynamic model
Peconic Estuary Solute Transport Model – Peconic Estuary Partnership
Annual SAV monitoring
Aerial Flyover & Groundtruth Methodology QAPP
2024 Aerial flyover
Ground truthing contract SOW
Secure funding for Coastal Watershed Grant: SAV & Temperature refugia study
Create actions on how to use the identified porewater maps for future SAV management
Accabonac Harbor: PEP and Suffolk County contract scope & stakeholder meeting (Program Office)
Accabonac Harbor: PEP and Suffolk County contract executed with regional entity SMARTeams
Accabonac Harbor: Contractor design expansion and finalization of project area
Accabonac Harbor: Final design permitting
Accabonac Harbor: Implementation funding secured
2020 Salt Marsh Surface Elevation Table (SET) Monitoring: PEP Peconic Estuary Partnership measures the surface elevation of the salt marsh at Indian Island County Park, Hubbard County Park, and Cedar Beach of Southold Town. There are multiple elevation tables at each site that measure marsh accretion or subsidence, natural processes that are influenced by sea-level rise, changes in sediment loading, increasing temperatures, and other consequences of climate change. (Program Office)
2021 Salmarsh Elevation Table Monitoring
2022 Salmarsh Elevation Table Monitoring
2023 Salmarsh Elevation Table data compiled, report written and published by researchers who piloted this program at The Nature Conservancy (TAC, partners)
2024 Saltmarsh Elevation Table Monitoring
Eel Grass in water
Oysers in water
Kelp in water
Continuous Water Quality Monitoring
Project Outreach
Site Suitability Phase
USGS Continuous station Riverhead
USGS Continuous station Shelter Island
USGS Continuous station Orient
Suffolk County Water quality monitoring
Accabonac Harbor: PEP and Suffolk County contract scope & stakeholder meeting
2020 Salt Marsh Surface Elevation Table (SET) Monitoring: PEP Peconic Estuary Partnership measures the surface elevation of the salt marsh at Indian Island County Park, Hubbard County Park, and Cedar Beach of Southold Town. There are multiple elevation tables at each site that measure marsh accretion or subsidence, natural processes that are influenced by sea-level rise, changes in sediment loading, increasing temperatures, and other consequences of climate change.
Ongoing Monitoring Programs – Peconic Estuary Partnership
2021 Salmarsh Elevation Table Monitoring
Ongoing Monitoring Programs – Peconic Estuary Partnership
2022 Salmarsh Elevation Table Monitoring
Ongoing Monitoring Programs – Peconic Estuary Partnership
2023 Salmarsh Elevation Table data compiled, report written and published by researchers who piloted this program at The Nature Conservancy
Suboptimal Rootzone Growth Prevents Long Island (NY) Salt Marshes from Keeping Pace with Sea Level Rise | Estuaries and Coasts
2024 Saltmarsh Elevation Table Monitoring
Ongoing Monitoring Programs – Peconic Estuary Partnership
Attend meetings (Program Office)
Provide comments and feedback on strategy document (Program Office)
PEP Focuses on the Identified Goal: Improve science-based understanding of how interrelated components of the ocean ecosystem function through dedicated research and long-term monitoring programs.
Continue to persue research based projects and monitoring
Identify sufficient funding to hire additional outreach staff to assist in designing and implementing this effort.
Outreach to Local Government Committee on use of CLPS tool
Hire additional outreach staff to assist in designing and implementing this effort.
Create public awareness outreach goals & actions
Create PEP Shoreline Adaptation Inititative's Homeowner/Land Manager subgroup
Continuously add members & Civic Associations to ShAdI's Homeowner/ Land Manager subgroup
Include public awareness as a factor in the shoreline adapatation's Needs Assessment
Draft public outreach materials guided by needs assessment
Finalize public outreach materials guided by needs assessment
Disseminate public outreach materials created
Living Shoreline Demonstration Project at the Suffolk County Marine Environmental Learning Center (Program Office)
Educational sign installed at site (Program Office)
Hold Field Trip to site (Program Office)
On-line resource development (Program Office)
Bulkhead Removal Project: Site Selection
Outreach on PEP Climate Vulnerability Assessment & Action Plan (Program Office)
CRA 2025 (Program Office)
On-line resource development
Demonstration Living Shoreline Project – Peconic Estuary Partnership
Shinnecock Nation Climate Ready Assessment (Program Office)
Shinnecock Indian Nation Mini Grant Award (Program Office)
Secure funding via Mini Grant Porgram, BIL Funds
Bioextraction mini grant project with Shinnecock Nation
Support shinnecock natural resource department in wetlands monitoring and management
Shinnecock Indian Nation Mini Grant Award
PEP Mini Grants – Peconic Estuary Partnership