Goal 1: Strong partnerships
Objective A
Progress of Actions
Progress of Projects
Completed In-Progress Unexecuted
Updated since: 02/04/2025
Objective A: Enhance PEP’s organizational structure, operational practices, and financial position to support successful implementation of CCMP Actions
Final Draft Organizational Plan
PEP Management Committee Approval (MC)
PEP Policy Committee Approval (PC)
EPA Concurrence (Program Office/EPA)
Initiate Strategy Discussion
Develop Plan for Tracking (Program Office)
Finalize Plan for Tracking and Present to MC (Program Office/MC)
PEP Management Committee Approval (MC)
PEP Policy Committee Approval (PC)
EPA Concurrence (Y/N) (Program Office/EPA)
Development of the Water Quality Collaborative (Program Office/TAC)
Finalize Preliminary WQ Inidcators (WQC/TAC/MC)
Development of Eel Grass Targets (Program Office/WQC/TAC)
Finalize Eel Grass Targets (TAC/MC)
Development of Other Habitat and Wildlife Targets (NRSC/TAC)
Finalize Other Habitat and Wildlife Targets (TAC/MC)
Development of Social Indicators (Program Office/CAC)
Finalize Social Indicators (CAC/MC)
Draft State of the Estuary Report (Program Office/MC)
Presentation to MC (Program Office/MC)
PEP Management Committee Approval (MC)
PEP Policy Committee Approval (PC)
Final Report (Program Office)
EPA Concurrence (Program Office/EPA)
PEP Management Committee Approval
PEP Policy Committee Approval
Development of Financial Plan (Program Office/EPA)
Draft Financial Plan and Presentation to MC (Program Office/MC)
Outreach to Partners for Financial Contribution (Program Office)
PEP Management Committee Approval (MC)
PEP Policy Committee Approval (PC)
EPA Concurrence (Program Office/EPA)
Local Government Committee meetings - Quarterly (Program Office)
Annual presentation to East End Supervisors and Mayors Association
Annual Presentation to Town Boards and Trustees
Diadromous Fish Work Group - River Herring and Eel Monitoring (Program Office)
Horseshoe Crab Volunteer Monitoring Network (Program Office)
Local Government Committee – Peconic Estuary Partnership
Volunteer River Herring & Eel Survey - Seatuck Environmental Association
Horseshoe Crab Volunteer Monitoring Network