
Goal 3: Clean waters

Progress of Actions
Progress of Projects

Completed   In-Progress   Unexecuted
Updated since: 02/04/2025

Objective D: Protect areas with clean water from degradation

Completion of the Peconic Estuary Water Quality Monitoring Strategy within 3 years

Annual review of water quality data and water quality monitoring programs

Identification of areas with clean waters and their current levels of protection; communication of findings to local stakeholders and decision makers

A Quality Assurance Plan for citizen science partner programs carrying out water quality monitoring

Development of model legislation collaboratively with Suffolk County, NYSDEC and East End Towns to use for planning purposes to protect areas with clean water

Objective E: Increase understanding of nutrient pollution in groundwater and surface waters, and decrease negative impacts from legacy, current, and future nutrient inputs

Completion of the Peconic Estuary Water Quality Monitoring Strategy within 3 years

Completion of the Peconic Estuary Solute Transport Model

Nitrogen Atmospheric Deposition Monitoring Program (NADP)

Completion of BMP cost per pound of nitrogen removal from nature-based point and non-point source removal techniques

Collaborate with the NYSDEC to compile and update a database of completed nitrogen management projects within the Peconic Estuary watershed

Utilize Action 17 Short-term Performance Measures to further refine draft code and model local laws

Development of strategies with municipalities and water districts to manage water use, conserve water, and maintain existing and protect future buffers to prevent saltwater intrusion into the groundwater

A review of existing non-point source recommendations in the TMDL report and establishment of a reduction target

Implementation of monitoring programs recommended in the Peconic Estuary Water Quality Monitoring Strategy

Work with NYSDEC to centralize Water Quality Data Reporting

Phased implementation of the Suffolk County Subwatersheds Wastewater Plan

Use of existing legal framework and County and Town grant and loan opportunities to assist homeowners in upgrading to Innovative and Alternative On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A OWTS)

Support for the planning and implementation of wastewater re-use initiatives

Assistance to farmers in completing nutrient management plans

Pilot projects to evaluate innovative technologies and practices (e.g., permeable reactive barriers, bioextraction, living shorelines, hydromodification) and determine their usefulness

Additional lands protected using the Peconic Estuary Critical Lands Protection Strategy as a guide

Recomendation to Peconic Land Trust for use of CLPS tool in all Towns priority Land Acquiaition Lists

Contribute to Riverhead Comprehensive Plan update

Identification of funding sources to carry out recommendations in the Suffolk County Harmful Algal Bloom Action Plan

Implementation of the Suffolk County Harmful Algal Bloom Action Plan

HABs project in priority embayments (Sag Harbor Cove, James Creek, Deep Hole Creek, Terry Creek, Meetinghouse Creek, and Halls Creek), looking at Cochlodinium polykrikoides Alexandrium, and Dinophysis

Communication of accurate and sound science as part of PEP annual water quality reporting to local decision makers

Development of a HABs reporting system that streamlines the efforts of partner organizations

Objective F: Reduce current and future inputs of toxics, pathogens, and marine debris into groundwater and surface waters, and minimize their impacts

Research into the types, sources, and impacts of toxic contaminants

Establishment of hydrodynamic modeling of the Peconic Estuary

Support Suffolk County to implement Integrated Pest Management Plans

Promotion of Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (S.T.O.P.) days

Utilize Action 20 Short-term Performance Measures to develop sustainable landscaping BMPs and further refine draft code and model local laws for all six East End Towns for chemical disposal and to curb pesticide and herbicide use on residential properties

Development of a marina management plan for the Peconic Estuary,

Reduction in pesticide usage in marsh habitat and implementation of alternative pest control methods

Development of pathogen TMDLs for applicable Peconic Estuary waterbodies

Development of strategies and outreach materials to help achieve stormwater reduction goals

Development of a Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP) to enable sampling, analysis, and reporting of ground and surface water by municipalities

Compilation of a database of completed stormwater management projects and future green infrastructure needs

Review of current PEP Non-Point Source Subwatershed Management Plans and initiation of select viable projects

Development of additional Non-Point Subwatershed Management Plans for all pathogen impaired waterbodies

Funds identified for a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-certified lab in Suffolk County

Collect additional data on microplastics by USGS in the Peconic Estuary and dissemination of existing information

Scope of Work for microplastic research and identification of sources in the watershed

Deployment, maintenance, and promotion of monofilament fishing line collection receptacles

Add new sites (three) 2022

Annual coastal clean-ups

Participate in Ocean Clean-Up annually

Development of local government initiatives to reduce plastic pollution

Support East Hampton Trustees to ban balloon sale and release in East Hampton and Southampton

Support NYS to stop plastic shopping bags

Engagement of local communities to reduce aquatic trash with support from EPA